NEW! Get monthly subscription to Dictionary, Make-A-Word
Feb 20, 2016
NEW! You can now subscribe monthly for only $6.99 to our Dictionary or Make-A-Word. Get both for $13.98 monthly. These are optimized for smart phones and tablets as well as computer, so you can have 80,000 Cherokee words at your fingertips, anywhere, anytime. Go to www.yourgrandmotherscherokee.com/store.
Your Grandmother’s Cherokee is a simple and easy way to make all the Cherokee words you need to speak fluently. For translation as it has never been done before, use “Make a Word.” You choose the elements to create one Cherokee word that is equal to a complete English sentence.
Or search the dictionary in English, Cherokee, or Cherokee syllabary — find more than 80,000 Cherokee words in forms that you can immediately use in conversation.
These words include twelve tenses—different times the action is happening. They include ten people doing the action as well as people doing the action to others. The words are positive or negative as well. More than 150 verb roots are included as well as nouns, people who are relatives, words for weather, and more. As more words are added, you will receive these at no additional cost.
If you want to learn to conjugate these words yourself, you can learn through our online language classes that introduce you to our method step by step. Level 1 and Level 2 are now available online. If you have questions, please contact us at flyinglizardlanguages@gmail.com.