Enrolment options

  • You will learn forty root words in the present and command tenses, for all twelve persons. These will include active and non-active root words and those for weather. 
  • You will learn to introduce yourself and talk about your family and where you are from.
  • You will learn to make questions with single words and with suffixes. 
  • You will learn to make sentences negative. 
  • You will learn to make plurals for actions and things.
  • You will learn additional vocabulary words related to the root words and their forms, so that you can read, write, and speak simple sentences to express yourself.  Nogwo Togiasdi gega = Now I am going to Asheville.
  • By the end of the course you will know the equivalent of more than 10,000 English words and will be at a high novice or low intermediate level. (Note: the scope of this course is equal to the first five levels of Spanish in Rosetta Stone.)
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